A Ray of Light
April 22, 2021
The Pure Love That Reflects Light
May 5, 2021When love loses its identity life loses parity. Love heals not for you, it heals with zeal in spite of you.
When my love for you does not survive your lack of love for yourself (your self-loathing), because my vulnerability and lack of self-worth
prevented me from seeing past the pain that made you insensitive to my need; or because I let your shortcoming show up as pain in my space;
When I can only love you because you made it easy for me, by taking on your best behavior like skating on thin ice around me, do I call it love? If not, why not and what property do I give it, what character do I call it?
For what is love if not that which creates, procreates, heals, gives and forgives?
So you tell me, what did you mean the last time you said, “I love you?”
Did you confuse, “I want you” with “I love you”?
Did you trade, “I need you” for “I love you”?
Did you mean to say, “you are my version of what you must be for me to acknowledge you”?
Yes I know, we tie chains and strings to that which we call love, unbeknown to us. Just look around you, start with your family, check out your best friend; must they accept your excesses to maintain their place in your friendship Hall of Fame?
Are you looking for subjects, fans, admirers or friends? It’s neither bad nor good, just counterproductive when we confuse one for the other, mixing up needs and wants; whims and caprices for good faith.
What does it mean when I call you out and you say, that is just you, yet when I call you what you say you are, you get offended feeling judged?
So who are you, since when I call you by name, you do not get offended, yet hell breaks loose, when I recognise you by the vice you call you?
Be simple, different from a door mat,
Know you, be you, love you, do you.
No, I do not have to be best pals or pals with you to love you. All you have to do is show up for me to love and heal you, for that is what love will do & all it wants to do.
💘 does not do it for you, rather 💘 does it in spite of you.
Mindset Boulevard at your doorstep.